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# Detail Value
1 TitleNA
2 Description NA
3 Status NA
3 Last Status Check
4 Website URL
5 Login Page URL NA
6 Categories
7 Business type
8 Listing Type
9 Min Charges $0
10 Link Type
11 Content Moderation
12 Approval time
13 DA
14 Target Location

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Startup Plan
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  • ✔ FIVE Projects
  • ✔ 10 Backlinks Recommendations
  • ✔ Limted Website Information
  • ✔ Backlink Tracking
  • ✘ Export Features

Suitable for
  • SEO Freelancers
  • Digital Marketing Agencies
Agency Plan
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Recurring Plan!

It is a monthly payment plan with additional options.
  • ✔ TEN Projects
  • ✔ 15 Backlinks Recommendations
  • ✔ Restricted Website Information
  • ✔ Backlink Tracking
  • ✔ Export Feature (Excel, CSV)s

Suitable for
  • SEO Freelancers
  • Digital Marketing Agencies

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